Thursday, March 18, 2010

burial grounds of Dalit people denied in Sorispuram

Nearly 170 families of dalit (Schedule Caste)community belonging to Pallar section, residing in Sorispuram ,near Collectorate of Tuticorin are making use of the burial ground located near the main road to office of SP and banks of Buckle Odai covering an area of 100 cents.This land was given to the Dalit people 75 years ago by the then Soris families. Hence the village was named as Sorispuram.The dalit people of Sorispuram are all along making use of these burial ground for their families.
All of a sudden during February of this year, the heirs of Sories family bulldozed the burial ground and fenced the burial ground and the purampoke area of Buckle Odai and put up boards owning the entire land of the burial ground thus denying entry into the burial grounds.
If any death occurred, there is no place of burial ground and it will create law and order problem.Thus the denial of right to entry to the burial ground is a blatant violation of Human rights of entire dalit people of Sorispuram.It is also an offence u/s of Prevention of SC/ST Attrocities Act 19
The aggrieved dalit people led by the Tamilnadu Untouchability Eradication Front of Tuticorin district went in procession and staged a demonstration before the Collectorate and later handed over a memorandum to the District Revenue Officer requesting the district administration to restore the burial ground to them. The Tuticorin District of Tamilnadu Untouchability Eradication Front also sent representation on this subject to the Chief Minster of Tamilnadu and the National Commission of Schedule Caste and National Commission for Human Rights to intervene to restore the 75 years old burial ground used by the dalits of Sorispuram

1 comment:

  1. Unexpected and tremendous effort by Com.P.Esakkimuthu in net.congratulations comrade.very effective reporting with photos and u tube, vaav

    by sa.tamilselvan
